Logo Biblioteki
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Welcome to the Main Library of the Krakow University of Economics (ML KUE).

We want to support you in your research, and this guide provides the basics you need to start your research journey.

Elektroniczna legitymacja studencka - karta biblioteczna

Library card

Information on how to activate your account can be found here.

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Searching / ordering books

Information on printed books can be found in the online catalog and zdigitalizowanym w digitized card catalogue (data until 1993).

Log in to the user’s account (the user number can be found on the back of the student ID, the default password is the series and number of the ID card) and search for the item you are interested in

On this page you will also find information on how to pick up the ordered books, how to prolong return date and how to return them to the Library.

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Remote access to collections from outside the KUE Campus

The Main Library provides access to licensed electronic sources containing:

  • full texts of books and articles in both Polish and English
  • legal acts, jurisprudence, glosses
  • statistics from around the world
  • data on enterprises and sectors of the economy, industry analyzes
  • reports, stock quotes and macroeconomic data
  • real-time and historical data from the money, capital, foreign exchange (FX), futures and commodities markets

After selecting the database / portal, log in with your username and password to the user's account. More information can be found here.

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If you are looking for books, articles, financial data, legal regulations or statistics, browse our electronic sources alphabetically or by category - all information can be found on the Online Resources page.

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Bibliography manager

During research work, it may be necessary to store and manage a large number of references. Bibliography management tools can help with this. They work with programs for writing texts, thanks to which you can automatically insert and properly format citations and bibliographies. Find out more about these tools here.


the visibility of your research

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You can increase the visibility of your research in many ways ...

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Open access

Publishing in open access makes the reviewed scientific papers available online, free of charge for anyone to find and reading. The potential readership of OA articles is much greater than for articles where the full text is limited to subscribers.

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Publications can also be placed in the KUE Repository (RUEK). RUEK collects in electronic form the works and research data of employees of the Krakow University of Economics.

You can deposit in it yourself:

  • manuscripts (preprints)
  • scientific publications (postprints)
  • syllabuses, scenarios and other mats. didactic
  • scripts
  • presentations, audio / video recordings of lectures
  • raw data from research (photos, charts, audio / video files, statistical data)
  • other types of material related to science and teaching
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Data Management Plan

Research data can take many forms; it is an important product, essential to your work and impact as a researcher. Research data management involves thinking about what will happen to your data during and after a research project. The University and many research funders expect data to be managed effectively and made available wherever possible. The Open Science Team can help you create a data management plan and consider when, where and if the data can be shared.

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All research projects should have a data management plan; some funders (e.g. the National Science Center) require such an application to be submitted as part of the grant application. The plan helps ensure that you have adequate data management resources, including equipment, storage, and personnel. Consider managing short-term and long-term (post-project) data and reviewing and updating the plan as a routine part of project management.

Information on data management plans is available on the research data website. Contact us for help and advice, including comments on data management plans


of scientific activity

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Who can take part in the evaluation?

All KUE employees in research or research-teaching positions within the disciplines assessed at the University may submit publications related to the employment relation.

In the case of an employee who first worked at another university and then moved to the KUE, the achievements resulting from the employment relationship at the previous university cannot be demonstrated for the purposes of the evaluation of achievements at the KUE.

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Create your ORCID

Persons participating in the evaluation are required to create an individual account in the ORCID - Open Researcher and Contributor ID.

Connection of PBN-POL-on-ORCID accounts

In order for the submitted publications to be assessed during the evaluation, the PBN-POL-on and ORCID accounts should be linked. OPI has prepared a video showing how to do it.

In order for the submitted publications to be assessed during the evaluation, the PBN-POL-on and ORCID accounts should be linked. OPI has prepared a ideo showing how to do this [in polish].

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To help you we prepared short information about how to do it:

  1. visit PBN website

    • Log in [Zaloguj] – button in the top right corner
    • Don't have an account? Register [Nie posiadasz konta? Zarejestruj się]
    • Email (KUE email account)
    • First name [Imię]
    • Last Name [Nazwisko]
    • Password [Hasło] – IMPORTANT the password should contain at least ten characters, including upper and lower case letters, numbers, spaces and special characters.
    • Repeat password [Powtórz hasło]
    • I accept the website regulations [Akceptuję regulamin serwisu] and that you are not robot [Nie jestem robotem]
    • Register [Zarejestruj]

  2. An e-mail will be sent to the address provided during registration – in this mail you should click button Go to the website [Przejdź do serwisu], and in this way you activate your PBN account
  3. Now log in and connect your PBN account with ORCID [Połącz z ORCID] and POL-on [Połącz z POL-on] accounts – IMPORTANT when you want to connect PBN with POL-on and you don't have PESEL number, enter the country code and document number.
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Documenting scientific achievements

Publications should be submitted in person to the Information Services Department, room 312, 3rd floor or to dorobek@uek.krakow.pl.

Completed publications can be viewed in the Dorobek database.

Assigning discipline to Publication

Each publication that takes part in the evaluation must be assigned to a discipline, to do so, log in to the Statement page.

After it is generated, the signed statement should be sent to dorobek@uek.krakow.pl or brought to the Information Services Department.